Personal Finance

IS Financial Anxiety Holding You Captive?
"Learn How Everyday Women Across The UK Are Able To 
Tackle Nasty Debt, Regain Control Of Their Finances & Achieve Financial Independence In Just 21 Days!"
"Learn How Everyday Women Across The UK Are Able To 
Tackle Nasty Debt, Regain Control Of Their Finances & Achieve Financial Independence In Just 21 Days!"
Develop the skills & habits to spend thoughtfully, save systematically & Clear Debts confidently
Here's My Story...
How I saved £100k before turning 30 with a modest £38k Yearly Salary (And no, It wasn't from a promotion, 'side-hustle', or family!)
What I'm about to say might sound crazy to you.. 

And at first, I thought the same  

But here it is:

Becoming wealthy has NOTHING to do with being rich or how much money you earn...

People don't realise - and I didn't either at first - that it's not how much you make but how you use it.

By making some simple, yet effective changes to your spending habits, you can amass savings of £100k+ before you're 30 without building a business, 'earning' a promotion, or relying on friends & family.

But before we get into all that... 

here's my story of debt, poor decisions, & how I conquered financial freedom as a woman under 30!
So I spent years of my young life sitting in lectures & studying myself into exhaustion to earn my 'economics' degree.

And no, it's not what you're thinking.. 

My economics degree had zero to do with eventual financial success. 

In fact, I couldn't even land a job with my 'oh-so-important' degree..

The only noticeable difference a degree made in my life was landing myself in £45k worth of debt (with seemingly NO way of getting out of it!)

I'd tried everything:

- Working my ass off to find a job willing to pay a reasonable salary (no luck here...)

- Investing the little money I had with hopes of landing it big (glorified gambling)

- Using a credit card in an attempt to improve my credit score (due to my poor spending habits, this resulted in the complete opposite outcome)
Ever heard the saying:
  'If you look into the abyss, the abyss stares right back at you?'  
. . . That's how I felt logging into my baking account..
This might sound like an exaggeration, but if you've suffered the same financial horror I have, you'll know exactly what I mean.

I'd watch my monthly salary hit my bank account & then disappear again in what felt like minutes.. 

But the worse thing was, this was barely paying off the interest on my debt!

I was drowning in debt, self-doubt, & the shame of feeling like I couldn't provide for myself..

And meanwhile, my friends were jet setting on fancy holidays, landing mortgages on gorgeous homes, building a family, and more (so what was wrong with me?)
This Was Me A Few Years Ago... 
(Buried In Debt & Living In My Overdraft 😢)
But this all changed one day after reading a short financial blog on the studies of spending & debt 
(sounds boring, but this literally changed my life)
After reading this blog, everything started to click. 

But the funny part is, it was SO OBVIOUS!

It was a short article prompting people to pay off debts before saving & investing for the future

It's so simple that it's easy to miss!

So from that day on, I dedicated my finances to...

- Shaving off debt day by day

- Stopped trying to gain a smidgen of happiness from impulse buying

- And even started to make overpayments on my outstanding debt to reduce interest.

None of this was easy, but I felt like I was finally getting a handle on my financial life (...not to mention I felt happier, less stressed, & regained my confidence.)
Fast Forward to 2022. . .
I've saved £100k+, purchased my dream house in London, & still have money left to help my friends & family!
Look. I'm not saying all this to brag...

I haven't done anything special. 

I still work and I still have a very modest £38k a year job!

But the difference is, my finances have changed because of my decisions & dedication!

I bought the car I've always wanted...

Holidays come twice a year (you wouldn't believe the wonders this does for my mental health)...

And best of all, I bought my dream home in London before turning 30!

Here's a little shot of my bank account as proof...
Again, this isn't bragging...

I'm doing this because I know what it's like to be in your shoes. 

And I have the methods to remove them beaten up ol' boots & replace them with financial freedom!
But I'm not the only one. This janitor amassed upwards of $8,000,000+ over his lifetime Whilst On A Modest Salary!
Like most, I always thought earning more was the road to saving more (of course, it helps.) 

But the facts are that even with a salary of £38k, I saved £100k+ over just a few years.

And to show you this can be achieved by everyone, here's a little story about Ronald Read, a janitor that accumulated $8 Million+ on a very low salary job.

Ronald was never a 'big shot' in the world of capitalism. 

Throughout his life, he had worked as a gas station attendant & then a janitor.

So when he passed away his family couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the amount of money on his will (where could it have come from?)

It's as simple as this... 

Ronald made good financial decisions (no fancy career, winning the lottery, or lucky crypto investments)

He would live within his means, save every penny he could & slowly drip it into sensible investments that grew over time & resisted the urge to splurge and have immediate short term gratification.

Hearing Ronald's story inspired me to do the same!

I would live frugally, avoid online shopping sprees & invest my money instead of wearing it 

And here's how I did it...
This Simple 3 Step System Allowed Me To Be In Control Of My Money, Instead Of Money Being In Control Of Me!
1st - I Had To Change My Relationship & Mindset With Money!
When money is a constant struggle, it's easy to see it as something out of your control - something that's completely reliant on luck instead of making sound choices.

But here's the thing: 

Most people that win millions of pounds on the lottery end up broke & in the same position as before within years.

As I said, wealth has NOTHING to do with being rich!

After changing my perception of money & debt, my financial plan wrote itself. 

I started actually implementing the financial advice I'd see online instead of simply thinking 'meh, they're rich that's why they can save'.

And with this newfound perception, I've had the good fortune to spread the knowledge & help countless UK women achieve their dream financial positions!
2nd - It was time to wield savings & slay debt!
Debt ruins lives, destroys relationships, & feels inescapable.. 

But the problem is, debt comes from a lack of knowledge.

And as women, we often miss out on financial teachings from a young age.

Our Dads are in charge of the home finances - and he's likely never discussed finances with you OR your mother

Partners refuse to discuss, or worse, lie about their finances in an attempt to 'shield' you

And schools make zero effort to show us how finances work (I had an economics degree & STILL struggled!)

This leaves the majority of women in the UK to figure it out by ourselves or pay extortionate fees for financial advisors...

So it's no surprise why 70% of women are stressed about their finances!
3rd - I developed a Money Management System that Worked for ME! 
(I'll Show You How To Do This Too)
Here's how I work my finances:

1) Live Simply - Example: I drove & loved my Mini Cooper until a couple of years ago. I bought it used and in full for £4000.

Why? Because living minimally allowed me to work for myself via my business, travel at will, help my family, & live life on my own terms by giving for a living.

2) I live off of less than 40% of my income - I do this with the help of my budget. It's a critical tool in my financial toolbox. I also actively search for discounts (I try to get at least 1/2 off my holidays doing this.)

After all, why overspend on one holiday when you could book two?

3) I take care of Beverley - Beverly is my 80-year-old self. I do everything to ensure she's happy in the future (that's why I save & invest 50% of my total income for retirement & investments.)

4) I give - I give away 10% of my total income to causes, people and organisations that touch my heart (this keeps me motivated to save & makes money more fulfilling.)

5) I allocate - I allocate my monthly salary & designate percentages into different areas of my finances.

Total Income Before Deductions:

- Taxes: 35% from my total income
- Donate: 10% from my total income
- Retirement: 20% from my total incomes
- Live on the 35% from my total income
TOTAL: 100%

Here's what I do with my take-home pay AFTER THE ABOVE DEDUCTIONS are allocated. 

(Aka, the 35% I live off of as illustrated above)

- Investing for Wealth: 20%
- Emergency Fund: 5%
- Travel Fund: 5%
- Expenses (ex. Bills): 70%
TOTAL: 100%

You might be thinking, 'She has no fun with her money!' 

But here's the thing, by spending less on the silly little thing, I can spend more on the bigger things that REALLY make a difference in life (Traveling, Homes, Family, Etc)!
Imagine replacing debt with a yearly holiday & transforming savings into riches! It's all doable Once You Become Financially Whole!
Look, financial freedom can take a while to achieve. 

But financial wholeness is something you can tap into immediately!

Financial wholeness will springboard your journey to financial freedom, motivate you along the way, & keep you grateful for what you have...

But what does financial wholeness mean?

Instead of seeing frivolous purchases as a 'treat', you'll view them as something that's holding you back in life (making it easier to say 'NO'!)

Learning to enjoy life without spending - take a walk in the park, play with your children, meet friends for a bike ride (but more important than saving, it's little things like this that make you HAPPY!)

Be content with your current life without spending so you can live it big in the future (purchasing your forever home with that pool you love)

See how it works? 

You completely alter your perception of material things & money... 

Essentially turning you into a Financially Zen Monk!

I've helped women like yourself all over the UK achieve this way of living, & now I want to help YOU!

That's why we created the Personal Finance Academy!

To provide women with a safe place to discuss finances with like-minded individuals, share your success to keep each other motivated & receive game-changing advice from trusted financial experts!

Personal Finance

Here's My Story...
How I saved £100k before turning 30 with a modest £38k Yearly Salary (And no, It wasn't from a promotion, 'side-hustle', or family!)
What I'm about to say might sound crazy to you.. 

And at first, I thought the same  

But here it is:

Becoming wealthy has NOTHING to do with being rich or how much money you earn...

People don't realise - and I didn't either at first - that it's not how much you make but how you use it.

By making some simple, yet effective changes to your spending habits, you can amass savings of £100k+ before you're 30 without building a business, 'earning' a promotion, or relying on friends & family.

But before we get into all that... 

here's my story of debt, poor decisions, & how I conquered financial freedom as a woman under 30!
So I spent years of my young life sitting in lectures & studying myself into exhaustion to earn my 'economics' degree.

And no, it's not what you're thinking.. 

My economics degree had zero to do with eventual financial success. 

In fact, I couldn't even land a job with my 'oh-so-important' degree..

The only noticeable difference a degree made in my life was landing myself in £45k worth of debt (with seemingly NO way of getting out of it!)

I'd tried everything:

- Working my ass off to find a job willing to pay a reasonable salary (no luck here...)

- Investing the little money I had with hopes of landing it big (glorified gambling)

- Using a credit card in an attempt to improve my credit score (due to my poor spending habits, this resulted in the complete opposite outcome)
Ever heard the saying:
  'If you look into the abyss, the abyss stares right back at you?'  
. . . That's how I felt logging into my baking account..
This might sound like an exaggeration, but if you've suffered the same financial horror I have, you'll know exactly what I mean.

I'd watch my monthly salary hit my bank account & then disappear again in what felt like minutes.. 

But the worse thing was, this was barely paying off the interest on my debt!

I was drowning in debt, self-doubt, & the shame of feeling like I couldn't provide for myself..

And meanwhile, my friends were jet setting on fancy holidays, landing mortgages on gorgeous homes, building a family, and more (so what was wrong with me?)
This Was Me A Few Years Ago... 
(Buried In Debt & Living In My Overdraft 😢)
But this all changed one day after reading a short financial blog on the studies of spending & debt 
(sounds boring, but this literally changed my life)
After reading this blog, everything started to click. 

But the funny part is, it was SO OBVIOUS!

It was a short article prompting people to pay off debts before saving & investing for the future

It's so simple that it's easy to miss!

So from that day on, I dedicated my finances to...

- Shaving off debt day by day

- Stopped trying to gain a smidgen of happiness from impulse buying

- And even started to make overpayments on my outstanding debt to reduce interest.

None of this was easy, but I felt like I was finally getting a handle on my financial life (...not to mention I felt happier, less stressed, & regained my confidence.)
Fast Forward to 2022. . .
I've saved £100k+, purchased my dream house in London, & still have money left to help my friends & family!
Look. I'm not saying all this to brag...

I haven't done anything special. 

I still work and I still have a very modest £38k a year job!

But the difference is, my finances have changed because of my decisions & dedication!

I bought the car I've always wanted...

Holidays come twice a year (you wouldn't believe the wonders this does for my mental health)...

And best of all, I bought my dream home in London before turning 30!

Here's a little shot of my bank account as proof...
Again, this isn't bragging...

I'm doing this because I know what it's like to be in your shoes. 

And I have the methods to remove them beaten up ol' boots & replace them with financial freedom!
This Simple 3 Step System Allowed Me To Be In Control Of My Money, Instead Of Money Being In Control Of Me!
1st - I Had To Change My Relationship & Mindset With Money!
When money is a constant struggle, it's easy to see it as something out of your control - something that's completely reliant on luck instead of making sound choices.

But here's the thing: 

Most people that win millions of pounds on the lottery end up broke & in the same position as before within years.

As I said, wealth has NOTHING to do with being rich!

After changing my perception of money & debt, my financial plan wrote itself. 

I started actually implementing the financial advice I'd see online instead of simply thinking 'meh, they're rich that's why they can save'.

And with this newfound perception, I've had the good fortune to spread the knowledge & help countless UK women achieve their dream financial positions!
2nd - It was time to wield savings & slay debt!
Debt ruins lives, destroys relationships, & feels inescapable.. 

But the problem is, debt comes from a lack of knowledge.

And as women, we often miss out on financial teachings from a young age.

Our Dads are in charge of the home finances - and he's likely never discussed finances with you OR your mother

Partners refuse to discuss, or worse, lie about their finances in an attempt to 'shield' you

And schools make zero effort to show us how finances work (I had an economics degree & STILL struggled!)

This leaves the majority of women in the UK to figure it out by ourselves or pay extortionate fees for financial advisors...

So it's no surprise why 70% of women are stressed about their finances!
3rd - I developed a Money Management System that Worked for ME! 
(I'll Show You How To Do This Too)
Here's how I work my finances:

1) Live Simply - Example: I drove & loved my Mini Cooper until a couple of years ago. I bought it used and in full for £4000.

Why? Because living minimally allowed me to work for myself via my business, travel at will, help my family, & live life on my own terms by giving for a living.

2) I live off of less than 40% of my income - I do this with the help of my budget. It's a critical tool in my financial toolbox. I also actively search for discounts (I try to get at least 1/2 off my holidays doing this.)

After all, why overspend on one holiday when you could book two?

3) I take care of Beverley - Beverly is my 80-year-old self. I do everything to ensure she's happy in the future (that's why I save & invest 50% of my total income for retirement & investments.)

4) I give - I give away 10% of my total income to causes, people and organisations that touch my heart (this keeps me motivated to save & makes money more fulfilling.)

5) I allocate - I allocate my monthly salary & designate percentages into different areas of my finances.

Total Income Before Deductions:

- Taxes: 35% from my total income
- Donate: 10% from my total income
- Retirement: 20% from my total incomes
- Live on the 35% from my total income
TOTAL: 100%

Here's what I do with my take-home pay AFTER THE ABOVE DEDUCTIONS are allocated. 

(Aka, the 35% I live off of as illustrated above)

- Investing for Wealth: 20%
- Emergency Fund: 5%
- Travel Fund: 5%
- Expenses (ex. Bills): 70%
TOTAL: 100%

You might be thinking, 'She has no fun with her money!' 

But here's the thing, by spending less on the silly little thing, I can spend more on the bigger things that REALLY make a difference in life (Traveling, Homes, Family, Etc)!
Imagine replacing debt with a yearly holiday & transforming savings into riches! It's all doable Once You Become Financially Whole!
Look, financial freedom can take a while to achieve. 

But financial wholeness is something you can tap into immediately!

Financial wholeness will springboard your journey to financial freedom, motivate you along the way, & keep you grateful for what you have...

But what does financial wholeness mean?

Instead of seeing frivolous purchases as a 'treat', you'll view them as something that's holding you back in life (making it easier to say 'NO'!)

Learning to enjoy life without spending - take a walk in the park, play with your children, meet friends for a bike ride (but more important than saving, it's little things like this that make you HAPPY!)

Be content with your current life without spending so you can live it big in the future (purchasing your forever home with that pool you love)

See how it works? 

You completely alter your perception of material things & money... 

Essentially turning you into a Financially Zen Monk!

I've helped women like yourself all over the UK achieve this way of living, & now I want to help YOU!

That's why we created the Personal Finance Academy!

To provide women with a safe place to discuss finances with like-minded individuals, share your success to keep each other motivated & receive game-changing advice from trusted financial experts!

Personal Finance

Personal Finance
Average Rating: 4.96/ 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Cybil | Banking Assistant Vice President 
This course introduces you to the fundamental concepts of money management, paying off your debt & building credit. We will walk you through how to improve your personal finances, how to improve your credit score, how to reduce your debts in a smart way and how you can manage your finances so you always have money left over at the end of the month!

here is a sample lesson

sample Lesson: using Budgeting tools to manage your money!
By the end of this course you'll be able to: 
+ clear your bad debt's quickly, 
+ raise your credit score
+ properly manage your finances 
+ monitor your expenses Systematically 
+ build a budget that you can stick to 
+ make the most of a modest salary & still have money to spare 
+ keep your credit in check and clean up credit card chaos 
+ build a nest egg and invest in your future 
+ transform your money mindset & be accountable for your financial well-being  

... And so much more!
Join A Community & Educational PROGRAM Lead By Women For Other Women
This comprehensive & holistic curriculum is designed to help you reinvent your financial future through 3 simple, actionable phases.
Phase 1: Build a New Financial Foundation
In this first phase, we’ll coach you through the simple & fun (we promise!) process of building your new financial foundation — even if you're a total beginner.


→ Lay the groundwork for a brand new financial system that’ll completely transform your financial habits, your confidence with money, and your financial literacy skills. 

→ Get crystal clear on your financial reality 

→ Heal your relationship with money 

→ And take the first step toward good habits by creating a weekly money ritual that you actually look forward to. 

It’s like taking a bubble bath...but for your money

This will allow you to start looking at your numbers with clarity & confidence. 

By the time you’re finished with Phase 1, you’ll have created your sustainable healthy money habits... 

...tracked your monthly spending so you know exactly where your money is going 

...& taken a current financial snapshot, so you can start building the road towards a new financial future.
Phase 2: Debt Management & Building Credit
Now That You’ve Done The Courageous Work Of Healing Your Relationship To Money, Actually Dealing With The Numbers Feels Easy!

We will help you analyse what debts should be tackled first & we will share with you strategies to reduce your monthly debt payments!

one of the ways you can reduce your debt payments is by improving your credit credit score so you have access to lower interest rates!

For example if you purchased a house for £350,000 and you put down a 10% deposit of £35,000. 

over a 25 year repayment term, 

if your credit score was bad... 

...and you were able only able to get a mortgage with a 4% interest rate

you would be paying back £1,662 per month for your house!

On the other hand, if your credit score was excellent...

...And You Were Able Only Able To Get A Mortgage With A 2% Interest Rate

You Would Be Paying Back £1,335 per month For Your House!

Thats a saving of over £300+ per month & £3,600 per year just by following a few strategies to improve your credit score!

That's why we believe improving your credit is so vital... it can help you save a lot of money in interest repayments each year & money saved is as good as money made!
Phase 3: Money Management Systems
You, my friend, are well on your way to a new financial future. 

Because you’ve already built a new financial foundation and set up the money management systems that are absolutely essential to taking control of your finances. 

And this means, setting up new money systems so you can reach your goals… on autopilot. 

In this next stage, you’ll:

Get clear on your short & long-term financial goals and exactly how to achieve them 

Start paying yourself first with new automated savings systems (the fail-proof way to grow your savings!)

→ Implement a simple, goals-based monthly budget that keeps you on track to reach your goals (without giving up your favorite splurges)

Once your new savings & budgeting systems are up and running, you’ll be able to make empowered decisions to spend your money more intentionally. 

Because money is powerful, if you use it wisely 

By the time you’re done with this phase, you’ll get clear on your financial goals... 

...set up the systems you need to make them happen 

...and make small but mighty changes to your spending habits so you’re enjoying life in a way that’s aligned with your core values.
The Goal Of The Personal Finance Academy Is To Help You
 Ditch Debt, Build Credit,
Spend Less & Save More!
This course is designed to give you the tools to align your emotional health with your financial health - to let go of deprivation and embrace desire, so that you can stop worrying about money and start living a financially fulfilled life. 

Most personal finance programs are usually filled with an overwhelming amount of information! Or they will tell you "what to do" without showing you "how to do it" which makes it really hard for you to actually take that information and implement it in your life so you can see tangible results!

The Personal Finance Academy is a step by step financial literacy course taught by women who are experts in finance!

We will show you how to take charge of your finances and achieve financial independence through easy to implement strategies that will put you on the path to financial success 

Take a sneak peak below


Join Today & Get Over £1,000+ 
Worth Of Exclusive Bonuses!


Private Accountability Community

We also have an amazing community inside the academy where you can connect and find accountability partners and likeminded women who are also pursuing financial growth! 

Whether you need an answer to a question about investing or want to share your valuable experiences, then this is your private space to connect with likeminded women who will keep you accountable during your Financial journey. 

We promote a supportive atmosphere so all members feel confident to share there wins and learnings with other members and feel heard and on our end we will answer your questions within 24hours! 

So prepare for this community to be your favourite place on the internet! 🙋‍♀️


Included With Your Purchase


Enterprise-Level Support

You’ll also be getting enterprise-level customer support through our dedicated educational platform. 

This means your messages are always prioritised and our dedicated support team will be on-hand 24/7 to take your questions, offer help and guide you through your new journey.

You'll also be assigned a personal 'Wealthy Woman' business coach who will provide 1-on-1 personal support to help answer any question you have about our education!

VALUED AT £1,000

Included With Your Purchase


Wealthy Woman Budget Tracker

You’ll also be getting Access To Our Wealthy Woman Money Management & Budget Tracker! 

With this tool you'll be able to keep a clear track on your expenses & income and it will walk through the debts you should be paying off first!

This tool is essential for you to use each month so you can ensure your finances are always on the right track!


Included With Your Purchase


Earn While You Learn Rewards System

Your membership comes with a rewards system where you earn points and progress through different membership levels! 

As you go through the education, contribute in the groups and are consistent with your habits you'll earn more and more points and receive unique benefits and prizes with each membership level! 

And the best part is... **drum roll please**

You can then redeem your points for CASH so you can truly earn while you learn! 💸 👛


Included With The Annual Membership


Access To Our In-House Referral Network

From the moment you join you’ll also be assigned a referral manager who’ll help you refer your friends and family to the group! 

Each time you do so, we’ll Send you a big commission - allowing you to Pay Off Any Debts Faster & Have More Savings!

(Of course, there’s zero obligation - if you’d rather embark on this journey by yourself… that’s fine too!)


Included With The Annual Membership

Ready To Get Started?

Let's Talk about your investment... in you!

Join Today & Learn How To...
+ clear your bad debt's quickly, 

+ raise your credit score

+ properly manage your finances 

+ monitor your expenses Systematically 

+ build a budget that you can stick to 

+ Build A Nest Egg And Invest In Your Future 

+ keep your credit in check and clean up credit card chaos 

+ Make The Most Of A Modest Salary & Still Have Money To Spare 

+ transform your money mindset & be accountable for your financial well-being 

... And So Much More!

TOTAL VALUE: £2,000+
Join Today For one Small payment of
£197 Just £27!


Women Across The UK Are Learning How To Be In Control Of Their Finances Thanks To The Information Inside The Personal Finance Academy. 

You Could Be our Next Success Story!
"I have read a lot of financial books and most of them tell you the what but leave out the HOW! 

This course is the complete opposite! 

I love how there are live demonstrations showing exactly how to do things like rebuilding your credit to using the recommended budgeting tools! 

The best part is, then at the end of each module you have actions to take to help you on your way to financial success! 

If you are not sure where to start with managing your finances, start here!"
- Birmingham
"This course is absolutely amazing!!

It explains the different aspects of managing your finances, and clearing your debts  with high quality live demo's and clear instructions showing what to do. 

The masterclass isn't too long which or filled with filler information and it grabs your attention throughout.

We really should be taught these things at a young age. I think this is also relevant to men as all the information can be extrapolated to both parties.

It was well worth the investment!!"
- London
"For anyone wanting to get clear on their finances this is the perfect online  course to help you along your journey!

It's easy to digest, you'll learn proven strategies and there's a tick list of actions to get you financially sound!

The bonus is the 'wealth' of add ons like downloadable guides, additional tricks, websites, support group etc all helping to get you to a financially healthy life. 

No matter what stage you're at on your own financial journey this course has you covered!

I would definitely recommend it!"
- Manchester
"This course gave so much insight in all things Finance, from how to combat feeling bad about yourself and me finances but also how to claim my finances back and how to make them work for me forever. 

I felt like Cybil was holding my hand and walking me through a difficult path that she too has been on and has come through. 

That gave me hope that I too could over come this tough hurdle. I really enjoyed learning about the different money management tools and enjoyed building an emergency fund. 

What I appreciated is how much information is in this course without sounding boring. There is a lightness to this course that doesn't leave you feeling defeated but ready to get things sorted out."
- Bristol
This course is an excellent introduction guide into good management of self finance. 

Simple well constructed advice which forced me to really take stock and confront their financial situation, while at the same time offering clear and easy to follow strategies towards financial freedom.

It provides just the right level of clear explanations on what can be really complicated subjects. It lays out goals and methods to lower debt simply, and provides useful insight into managing my money. 

An absolute must-have for anyone sleep walking their way through their personal finances. It’s also full of excellent advice for those more established in life. Anyone looking for clarity &  growth needs this.
- London
"Money made easy! 

Cybil has created a beautiful course that educates, supports and challenges our way of seeing money, seeing ourselves and our relationship with our finances.

With informative breakdowns of various financial terms, guidance on how to manage money, beneficial tasks that support our awareness and personal experience from Cybil and other case studies, we are encouraged to become better women with our finances.

With this course you no longer need to be scared about money, you can take your head out of the sand, hold your head up high and face your money challenges head-on and become financially intelligent with Cybil's support."
- Essex
right now you might be thinking...
"I Really Want To Join But . . . 
Is There A Guarantee That I Will Get Results?"
The reality is…

You have no idea what’s waiting for you inside the Personal Finance Academy.

It can be low quality

It can be hard to use.

It can be cluttered.


The information might be bad.

The membership area could be awful!

You never know, right?

We all have these questions when we are joining something new… and we never know what’s waiting for us.

And I don’t want you to assume all that risk.

There’s more than enough of the day-to-day stuff that life throws at us we have to deal with… stress about, and worry…

So I don’t want the Personal Finance Academy to be yet another thing that’s going to take your mental space and worry whether you made the right choice or not.
Personal Finance
365-Day Guarantee
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You’ll Have A Full Year To Go Through Everything & Apply The Information In Your Life!

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So tap the button below right now, get inside the Personal finance academy… join the community… and regain control of your finances!

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We know investing in a program to take control of your finances is a big decision. So we’ve made a quick list of frequently asked questions to help you decide if 2022 is your year to save, pay off debt, and take control of your financial future!
How is The Wealthy Woman Academy different from any other online program?
The Wealthy Woman Academy is an experience! We provide the knowledge, access, and community you need to be successful. This includes access to a multitude of financial experts and a variety of courses. You have input and control over what you learn. Make a suggestion and we’ll make it happen!  
How much time do I need to commit?
The Wealthy Woman Academy works when YOU work! The Wealthy Woman Academy coursework can be completed at your own pace.   

I’ve never been a numbers person. Can I take control of my finances?
If you’ve never been a numbers person, we have great news for you. 

Financial health is not all about numbers. It’s about personal development, mindset, planning, imagination, and creating good habits. Don’t let the numbers intimidate you—we’ve got tons of checklists, spreadsheets, budgeting docs, and calculators designed to do the heavy numbers lifting for you so you can enjoy the journey and finally take control of your finances. 
I’m a beginner. Is the information in the course too advanced for me?
No! Our comprehensive curriculum is designed to teach you everything you need to know about your finances to totally transform your financial future. 

Even if you’ve never used a budgeting tool before or have yet to open an investment account, we have every step clearly laid out for you. Beginners are absolutely welcome here and encouraged to join. You definitely won’t be the only one!

Earnings Disclaimer: Earnings and income representations made by Wealthy Woman and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, "Wealthy Woman") are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical, and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. These are not guaranteeing that you will get similar results. 

The income and results figures mentioned and referenced are my personal performance figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All trading entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET MY INFORMATION.


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